One day they started to mysteriously disappear! I initially thought it was my resident feral cats, so I started feeding the cats. However, the disappearances continued. Then one evening I saw something blob-like moving out in the yard. Running to grab my glasses I identified the culprits. RACCOONS!
I was unknowingly feeding (chicken feed, grain and unwittingly my birds) a family of raccoons. Oooo my temper got the best of me that night! I let the dogs out and ran outside yelling and flapping my arms, making a general raucous. I'm sure the neighbors were entertained. There mama and four babies scurried away and weren't much of an issue for a bit. I went about my business and was able to travel home for an extended weekend. The evening I pulled in my driveway there those damn coons were!
I kind of kept an eye on everything but wasn't seeing any missing birds until the spilled grain ran out. I bought a garbage can and put my grain in there with the lid bungee corded closed. This apparently sparked a revenge mentality in the coons, who then ate 2 of my remaining hens and my only duck! Oh hell no those lil bastards were not going to eat my entire fowl investment! Those birds were expensive!
So for the last two night I have been camping out in my TrailBalzer with "Old Betsy" otherwise known as my .20 gauge shotgun. The first night right at dusk the family appeared (minus mom who is MIA). They knew I was there because they curiously inspected my vehicle from a distance. They were kind of cute but I felt no remorse taking them out. Farm life at its have to protect your investments.
I had a successful night that first night. I killed one for sure. I'll spare you the details but it took two shots. That's what I remorse about. If you are going to kill something, humanely with one shot is the best way to do it. I'm pretty sure I wounded one enough that it will eventually die, and perhaps another one. Three down and one to go...ok maybe two.
Unfortunately last night was not as successful. I stayed staked out until it was too dark for me to comfortably shoot. Sometime during the night I lost 2 more hens. I am down to one hen and one goose. I will be placing an order for more hens and a coop
I'm thinking a spotlight might be a good idea too so I can get the remaining coons. :/
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