Setting: Early morning (OK maybe not too early) June 30th on HWY 87 between Havre and Big Sandy (that's less than 50 miles from my house).
I am headed home to Washington to help my dad with cherry harvest and since I will be gone for over a week I have decided to load up the posse and take every one with me. Interesting, no? I had purchased two rabbit cages for my birds and had under taken the painful assembly process. The night before I am set to leave I place the large dog crate and two rabbit cages into my TrailBlazer. I also have tied the four tires (minus rims) onto the roof of my rig. I have been preparing for the journey for two days and was super jazzed to leave early in the morning. I packed up and got everyone loaded (oh yeah it's as much a travelling shit show as it sounds) and head out for Havre (breakfast stop, duh) and home.
With breakfast at McDonalds taken care of, the two goats, duck, goose, eight hens, three dogs and I (crammed into the TrailBalzer) are on the road. I notice I'm experiencing some major wind resistance due to the tires...I topped out at 65 mph. I think, "Crap! This might take longer than I'd hoped." As I'm toodling along at my whopping 65 mph I hear the sheet metal of the roof flexing. Hmmmm...probably just normal for having crap tied to the roof, I think. Boy, was I wrong! All of a sudden the flexing stops and a massive POP! happens and in my side mirror (because my rear view mirror is block by goat cage and goose head) I see two of my tires go bouncing and rolling down the roadway. Double shit!
Thank goodness there was no one any where near me on the road. I pulled over, untied and removed the two remaining tires from the roof and shoved them in the one available space (the space behind the passenger seat which was supposed to be for the dogs). I then pulled a U-Turn and went off in search of my two missing tires. Luckily they were easy to find, so I hauled them up from the barrow ditch and began shoving and praying!
With a fair amount of determination, stubbornness and sheer luck, I was able to shove the two remaining tires into the rig. Now I have zero visibility for my rear view mirror and there is a serious lack of air flow. The 12-hour drive went well after that. I stopped about every three or four hours to water everyone and give the dogs (and me) a potty stop. I also put the goats on a leash and let them stretch their legs at the rest stops. People loved it!
Once I got home, my mom and I immediately set about getting all the animals out, housed, and fed and watered. While we were doing this my dad was trying to get the tires out. The good Lord was with me on the tire had to use a pry-bar to get the tires out. The return trip was much easier (if not easy on my wallet) because I am now in possession of a new-to-me 2-horse trailer.
Anyway, the girls made it home safe and sound. Aaaaand here they are....
Goatie (standing) is now 4.5 months old. My guess is she weighs roughly 25 pounds. I'm still debating whether I will be getting a boy Goatie to make babies, but I won't have to make that choice for a while since Lala is just a baby. Lala is 3.5 months old and is about the same size as Goatie but she hasn't caught up in the poundage area yet. I know she's grown some but I can't really see it that much yet.
This is my "boss" chicken. Isn't she pretty? My hens are Barred Rock (this chick) and Buckeye (the red ones), I think. Then there is my one goose and one duck. The duck is for sure a hen (she quacks) but the jury I still out on the goose. I'm working on a good way to doesn't honk, kind of has a hoarse cheeping sound. I will for sure know if it lays an egg! :)

And as an added bonus, while at home in Washington Yotee got a haircut! He looks kinda like a lion because whenever the clippers got any where close to where hair remains he fuh-reaked out! So I just left it and now I call him my "little lion." :)
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