Sunday, February 20, 2011

I've been lurking and that's no good - remember the resolution? Write more! So here I am and I've finally recovered from the Mid Winter Fair. I've only got cursory things to do to finish up and that makes me happy! I plan to re-focu on youth development and agricultural education. Sounds like that was I was hired to do! ;)

I am home in Washington for a bit and am lovign the 40's and sunshine because back in Montana I hear it's snowing and is around 7F. Not sure about the wisdom of going back to that but I do love my job and most of the people I've met back there so I'm going.

I'm onto a new hobby - refinishing furniture. I am looking for solid pieces to salvage; I'd love to have a Hoosier cabinet to fix up and am also looking for a round dining table to restore. So if any of you know where I can pick one of those pieces up to play with let me know!

Here is the pattern picture of the Carpenter's Star quilt.
I'm also going to begin a new quilt when I get back. It's called a "carpenters start" and it's really pretty and is supposed to be quite easy to sew - I'm gonna give it a try. I have blues and browns to make it from so it should be quite pretty. I'll keep you updated!

I am off on an adventure to pick out some beautiful blue-stained pine with my dad and "uncle" Will. Have a great and glorious day! :)

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