Thursday, February 24, 2011

Good thing I live by my own rules...

We're having a "cold day" here. It's kind of like a snow day but work's been called off because of the severe cold - the wind chill is driving our temps down towards 30F below zero. I am so over winter but we have at least 3 more months to go up North here. God grant me patience!?!

So I made use of my day by working from home but also made a trip to license my car and get some basic groceries. Of course purchasing said groceries without a list prior to leaving the house resulted in me forgetting the dog food and something sweet to much on. Stellar job no? :)

This is what happens when you work two weeks
(and then some) of 18 hour
days and then go home for a week. *sigh*
While I was at WalMart I caved and purchased "The Pioneer Woman Cooks" cookbook my friends have been constantly raving about. I had been planning and looking forward to cooking some chicken enchiladas and hohoho what is in that cookbook but a recipe for easy and tasty enchiladas. Co-inky-dink? I think not! So I walked into my kitchen and was confronted with this:  ----------->

Doesn't that look super yummy?

When all I wanted to do was make this:

I think I had a bit too much sauce but it was good!
What's a chick to do? Why, give up and eat a banana of course. However, a banana was not going to cut it so I sifted through the mess and found what I needed, washed it and began cooking. Of course I cheated in that oh so special "semi-homemade" way (thank you Sandra Lee) and it didn't turn out exactly like the pictures but it was yummy and I have extras for dinner.

I saved my extra chicken and tortillas too and will use all that throughout the weekend for sustenance. I'm thinking they'd make some good quesadillas. I am off to make something sweet for myself and then do homework. My professor granted me a reprieve because I screwed up big and missed an exam an assignment during my Mid Winter Fair fiasco weeks. She is letting me make them up this one time (thank goodness!). Plus, I have 3 assignments and a mid-term due for my other class on the 5th of March so why not just do it all this weekend.

I'm going on an adventure to Bozeman this weekend to pick up a table I'm planning to restore. It's identical to the one my parents have and I'm going to sand it down and refinish it. If I have to replace the top pieces i have some awesome blue-stained pine for it. But I digress. :)

Ta ta for now....the fur babies need to go out for a bit. :)

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