Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Busy, Busy Day

Did you know beagles snore? Loudly! Ruby the Beagle is currently lying next to the laptop snoring away....rip, snarf, snore! You gotta love her though - she brings happiness and joy where ever her beagle nose guides her. After being gone all day she ran up and pawed at my leg like she always does...a joyful smile spread across my face and I loved on her as much as I could for the all of two minutes she was there. And then she was off; nose to the ground and tail in the air. My beautiful baby beagle! :) FYI - Yotee the mini aussie is quietly sleeping on his bed as a well behaved young man should. ;)

Today I had an interview in Moscow, ID for an academic assistant position in the plant, soils and entomological sciences department of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. It went well, I felt. I was interviewed by the people I would be interacting with the most and I found them to be laid-back, affable people. I was told there might be a possibility of transferring my MS over to the U of I which is a considerable benefit. Having my degrees from different Universities looks very well to other Universities I am applying for extension positions. Keep your fingers crossed an offer (from somewhere) comes across soon. My unemployment benefits from the state have run out and I am morally opposed to taking "Obama money." Unfortunately, if an offer doesn't occur from somewhere I may have to. Pray that He sends an offer! :)

While I was in the Pullman area today I got everything in order in case an offer isn't forthcoming so that I may return to WSU and complete my Masters degree. This is my fall back plan - if I have no job I will return to school. I haven't decided if I will move to Pullman and complete it or do it completely online and stay home while this happens. However, I set a deadline of mid-July for this decision to be made so let's hope I have nothing to decide! :)

I also stopped in at Crimson & Grey and picked up two new Cougar t-shirts and a new water bottle while there. I am as excited about the water bottle as I am the shirts! LOL Additionally, I stopped at my favorite restaurant, the New Garden, and ordered the Hunan Chicken with fried noodles.....auh-mazing! I missed that dish so much it's not even funny. I haven't been able to find anything close nor recreate it. I valued this meal a lot! All in all it was a good day. :)

I am continuing to work on my baby blanket and braided rug. I had a stroke of brilliance regarding the rug. Instead of using cotton string to sew it together I am going to use a piece of sheet about 1 1/2 inches wide to weave between the braided parts. It will be more lasting than the string which I believe will fray and break too easily.

Well, I am tired from my massive driving, interviewing and shopping experience today so I am going to sign off from this update. Have a wonderful day! :)

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