I finally had a harvest from my garden! I'm not really sure if you'd call it a "harvest" but I got two small tomatoes yesterday. I was so excited I couldn't even wait to take a picture! I just wiped 'em off on my t-shirt and popped 'em in my mouth. Yummy! They tasted amazing! I think these are called Tom Thumb tomatoes but I can't remember the variety for sure. I've still got the seeds so next year I'll pay more attention. I've got a couple more orangey-red small tomatoes again today!
There pictures to the right are my Amish Paste tomatoes. This is a new variety for me and I'm noticing that they take a while longer than regular varieties to mature. I'm hoping they get nice and red soon! :) Also, sorry it's a sideways photo! LOL
This is my Three Sister's bed. It contains two varieties of corn (Yukon Chief and Orchard Baby), Small Sugar pumpkin's and Scarlet Runner beans. They are all doing well and the pumpkin's have left the bed and are crawling all over the yard now! The runner beans have produced a hand full of beans which I will be picking as soon as I have enough for a dinner. The corn have a few baby ears on them which hopefully will be ready to eat by the middle of September!
Sorry again for the sideways aspect...think of it as abstract. Abstract is art...right? LOL This is my soap box...literally! The soap that I made and highlighted in an earlier post has finally cured and was ready to be wrapped. I went the freezer-paper, scotch-tape and marker route. I wanted to get all fancy and creative but didn't want to spend the money it would take to do it that way. This works great and now I have a lot of soap and one more batch to make and cure.
My baby chicks are coming in the mail this week. I ordered 5 hens from Cackle Hatchery and I picked the Silver Laced Wyandottes. A post will follow when they arrive! I'm headed home for the last week in August through the Labor Day holiday. It'll be nice to be home for a bit and do some catching up! Well that's about it for my updates. Have a great day!
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