Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolution - the one and only!

Normally I'm not a New Year's resolution type of chick but this one can only benefit us all! :) I have made the resolution to write more on this ambitions of getting picked up by a publishing company; no ideas of grandiosity, just the need to write, and be sure it's not a total piece of poo. Although, I'm sure some of it will seem to ramble, some of it will appear to be free-writing (a trick I picked up in English 1-oh-1 believe it or not) and some of it will, hopefully, connect with you.

So update in a nutshell time....

I am loving my job and the freedom it affords me. My current efforts for Fort Belknap Extension include organizing the 45th annual MidWinter Fair - February will see it into fruition. I am relying heavily on the committee members for input and aid in decision making since I've never experienced this MidWinter Fair myself.

I am enduring my first winter in Montana. However, I seem to have missed a bit of prime Montana winter weather - my neighbor informed me today it was -33F; that's 33 below zero people! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the 1 foot plus of new snow that has accumulated since I left. Thank goodness for my neighbors who have been looking after the place while I'm home and plowing the drive-way so I'll be able to get to the door.

My dogs are doing well; enduring their first Montana winter as well. They have learned to do their business in a hurry at temperatures below zero and dash back inside, even with their fashionable sweaters on! Unfortunately, their poor tootsies suffer from the sub-freezing temps and snow. I purchased booties but they didn't work out, so I will work some creative-mojo to design and create a better set of booties; allowing them to be more comfortable and get some outside play-time.

Yotee has almost completed his treatment for eating a whole tray of rat poison prior to Christmas, and is doing very well. Ruby is enjoying the free-time outside allowed at my parents. And Lil Guy has re-ignited his romance with Scout - mental picture time....Lil Guy is well a lil guy (a chihuahua) and Scout is a large and slieghtly overweight Weimereiner! It's quite comical - don't worry she's fixed!

I am returning to work on my Masters degree beginning January 10th. I have enrolled in 6 credits and I will muscle my way through one way or another! They are actually classes I'm excited about and am hoping this enthusiasm will carry my through the semester. Here's to completing my classwork portion and on to my project portion...pray for me!

I will head out here. I am due to leave for Montana in the morning and need to round up my stuff. Stay tuned because there will be more to come....I am resolute about that! ;)

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